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To ensure the safety of all of our guests, all pets entering the facility for any service must have proof of vaccines from their veterinarian’s office. Canines must have:

★ Rabies (1 year or 3 year)

★ Distemper (1 year or 3 year)

★ Parvo

★ Bordetella (6 months or 1 year) – Bordetella should be given at least 10 days prior to the pet’s reservation for full immunity.

★ We accept current and up to date vaccine titers with proof from your veterinarian.

★ We do accept vaccine exemptions with a letter from your vet on their clinic's letterhead. Your pet will not be warrantied during their stay.

★ ALL required vaccines must be administered to your pet at least 10 days before your pet's reservation start date.

★ Dogs that will participate in group play must be spayed and neutered at 6 months. Otherwise, we can provide individual activities.

Records emailed to receptionist@acepetresort.com are required before the start of your pet's reservation.

We reserve the right to refuse pets lacking proof of vaccines; pets displaying potentially contagious conditions; and/or aggressive behavior.


★ Felines must have current RABIES and DISTEMPER vaccines. ACE Pet Resort does accept 3-year vaccines.

★ All ferrets must have proof of a current rabies vaccination.

★ We accept current and up to date vaccine titers with proof from your veterinarian.

★ We do accept vaccine exemptions with a letter from your vet on their clinic's letterhead. Your pet will not be warrantied during their stay.

★ ALL required vaccines must be administered to your pet at least 10 days before your pet's reservation start date.

★ We highly recommend that all pets be on some form of flea and tick preventative.

  • Records emailed to receptionist@acepetresort.com are required before the start of your pet's reservation.

We reserve the right to refuse pets lacking proof of vaccines; pets displaying potentially contagious conditions; and/or aggressive behavior.

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